標題: sth about 系統問題 [打印本頁] 作者: HiuNamSit 時間: 2012-3-3 23:23 標題: sth about 系統問題
我一click入去版塊啲大title " 嘉欣的話 Words From Linda " etc. 就出呢句野
Directory './forumdata/templates/' not found or have no access!
點解會咁嘅..係咪我部機嘅問題? 我睇唔返舊post/ 所有唔係 "最新帖子","最新回復","熱門帖子" 都睇唔到... :(
pls help . thanx :) 作者: alan2011super3 時間: 2012-3-3 23:44
Dear All ,
論壇正在進行維修,如果維修之前你們沒有click “退出”,還可以看到主頁,其他版塊就不能夠進入,進入就會有這句信息 【Directory './forumdata/templates/' not found or have no access】 。所有維修之前click “退出”的fans 是不能夠在登入,要等待管理員通知。比較詳細的情況就要由管理員告知。可能需 要比 較長的時間,希望所有會員耐心等待。謝謝你們的支持 作者: 白壤櫻花 時間: 2012-3-4 09:55
我用電話先上到 作者: dy1998 時間: 2012-3-4 10:41
原來係咁 好彩我之前冇退出姐! 作者: HiuNamSit 時間: 2012-3-4 11:06
加油! 希望快啲整返好la
i'll be waiting 4 u xD 作者: 白壤櫻花 時間: 2012-3-4 15:13 標題: 回復 6# HiuNamSit 的帖子
Luckily I still can use my phone to come here. Hoho 作者: thepretorian 時間: 2012-3-5 09:45
The logging in and out part has been fixed, reason that caused it is something I can't say in public.
I'll look further into this problem that you guys are now facing in 8 hours. 2.44am here, so its bed time for me, sorry.
Please post where and what kind of errors you are getting, so I don't have to search the entire log file(which is pretty big by now). 作者: joan 時間: 2012-3-5 10:47
Directory './forumdata/templates/' not found or have no access!
The problem has been solved, it was related to the login and out issue. Now it should work again, if you do encounter another problem, please report it. 作者: 鍾嘉欣迷520 時間: 2012-3-5 19:39 標題: 回復 3# siew wai 的帖子