
How to Navigate Around for English Users

How to Navigate Around for English Users

With the influx of English user fans, I've came out with a tutorial to aid those who are unable to read Chinese to better navigate around this forum.

Let's first begin with learning how to register for an account here.

Next, let's understand how do one open a new topic to post content such as photos and videos

How to reply a post

Certain exclusive contents would reqire fans to pay in order to view them.
Now, this is how you pay using forum coins to view them.


回復 12# thepretorian 的帖子

If u were to read this post clear enough, it teaches users how to navigate all around. Some people are able to register (it isn't that difficult) but they may not know how to go about posting and such. So I dun see why this shouldn't be up

[ 本帖最後由 Hannah 於 2011-5-16 18:18 編輯 ]


回復 16# wtfunk 的帖子

而家D中文post係得新聞同雜誌。新聞我地以後會post英文上黎。雜誌就無解啦。不過D fans仲可以睇相睇片啊!


回復 24# huimin96 的帖子

only moderators are able to charge a post.


回復 29# b0bble 的帖子

nope there's no minimum unless the person who set the topic have pre-requisites but that's hardly an issue

