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iLC Radio Linda's Birthday Day Show 2012!

iLC Radio Linda's Birthday Day Show 2012!

Ah ... it's spring time! And that must mean only one thing: Linda's Birthday!!! It's time to party and celebrate! Of course, we here at iLC have our birthday tradition of going live in honor of Ms. Chung, and this year, is no exception. This year, our show will be on a special day, SATURDAY April 7th 2012!

Messages can come in any form, such as poems, songs, video message, audio message, ..., but the only thing is that we would require is to keep it relatively short! Since we will be reading these on air, we would like to get as many as we can in ... which leads us to the next thing, we welcome any call ins that day! If that's something you would interested in, please feel free to pm any of our staff members with a phone number where we can reach you. There's plenty of time before her birthday, but we would like to have most messages done and received before April 1st 2012 ... So lets get rolling with those messages! Start flooding our mailboxes with them!!!!

As our loyal listeners should know, we have had some wonderful times and surprises during our annual birthday show. Many old voices will make their triumphant return to serenade you guys for a couple of hours. Surprises? Who doesn't love surprises? Wanna find out? Well tune in, mark it, circle it, put it on your iphone/android calendar! See you guys April 7th 2012!


NOTE: the 4 most original submissions will receive an autographed picture of Linda
How to send your text message to iLC?
- Your message, keep it as short as possible since it will be read out loud! Too short messages will not be read.
- Forum nickname + saying Cottage or Garden member (so we can look it up to verify you are a member).
- The message MUST be send with the email address you've registered with at Cottage or Garden.
- Age
- Location/Country

Send text messages to
Irene: irene@ilcradio.net
Wai Pooi: waipooi@ilcradio.net
How to send your video and audio messages to iLC?
- upload the file to a filesharing website like fileserve.com, mediafire.com,... and mail the link for download. Only at certain circumstances we'll let you upload to our FTP server directly.
- max 40 sec long
- For video: at least 640*480 and uncompressed
- For audio: at least 128Kbps bitrate and MP3 format
- Forum nickname + saying Cottage or Garden member (so we can look it up to verify you are a member).
- The message MUST be send with the email address you've registered with at Cottage or Garden.
- Age
- Location/Country

Audio and video will be edited before we hand it over to Linda.
Send Video and Audio messages to
CJ: cj@ilcradio.net
Also we'll be having Call Ins too during the live show. Anyone that feels like saying the message personally on air can do so.
Call Ins are free of charge for you, we will be calling you.
How to call in during the birthday show?
- short summary of the message you will be saying
- mobile or fixed landline number with your country code
- Forum nickname + saying Cottage or Garden member (so we can look it up to verify you are a member).
- The message MUST be send with the email address you've registered with at Cottage or Garden.
- Age
- Location/Country
- Timezone

Send your request to cj@ilcradio.net and we'll contact you for further information.
All the messages will be handed to Linda personally!

Missed out last year birthday show? You can download it at Cottage's download section! http://forum.lindachung.ca/index ... ndas-birthday-show/

Reminder: DO NOT repost this message outside Cottage OR Garden!!!

From 13th till 16th of March you can listen to the birthday show of last year with music between the rebroadcasts on one of the following links:

Music requests can be done here:
Server Admin of Linda Cottage and Linda Garden.
Cottage: http://forum.lindachung.hk
Garden: http://forum.linda-chung.net
- - - - - - - - - -
iLC Radio: http://www.ilcradio.net


Linda's birthday!!


just  a  question to ask,where can i listen to the on-air's?is there any ways other than on linda cottage?thanks..
i love you,just the way you are..
no other reason..
yr pure,
yr heart,
and everything...


Who can translate it in chinese ?!?!??


wow~ linda's b-day


原帖由 白壤櫻花 於 2012-3-10 21:04 發表
Who can translate it in chinese ?!?!??


原帖由 leo 於 2012-3-10 13:47 發表
just  a  question to ask,where can i listen to the on-air's?is there any ways other than on linda cottage?thanks..
The live shows is available to everyone, even none-members of Linda Cottage and Garden. The offline show downloads are only provide on Cottage. In order to do that you have to have a small amount of 15 spam free posts. We implemented this to prevent spam and bots to access the forum part.
原帖由 白壤櫻花 於 2012-3-10 14:04 發表
Who can translate it in chinese ?!?!??
Server Admin of Linda Cottage and Linda Garden.
Cottage: http://forum.lindachung.hk
Garden: http://forum.linda-chung.net
- - - - - - - - - -
iLC Radio: http://www.ilcradio.net


回復 7# thepretorian 的帖子

I still don't get it. So how and where do I listen to the live shows??

[ 本帖最後由 WindCJ 於 2012-3-10 21:41 編輯 ]
One of the most fortunate things that ever happened to me is to be able to support you!!!


i want to ask a question~can i send the massage to the email with the card i made for her?! that means can i send the picture and massage?!


原帖由 WindCJ 於 2012-3-10 14:37 發表
I still don't get it. So how and where do I listen to the live shows??
Yes, during a LIVE broadcast streaming links will appear at the top of every page. There you just have to click the stream you want to open in order to listen to it. Mean time you can also request songs that are available at our library (that still grows with each broadcast).
As you might have noticed on the iLC Radio status bar... There is a new link added called "Request a Song".

When you click on it you'll open a new window where you can browse through our (still little) music library.

When you found the right song, just click on REQUEST, a pop-up window will show up and you can enter your name and a little message to who you might dedicate the song to.
If the song is already in the playlist or is played recently (within 60 min), you'll get an error message saying so.

The song will be automatically placed in our play list and should be played within 5-20min, it all depends on how much requests our system is getting from you guys.

When a song is requested by one of you guys... it will be mentioned behind the song, ~REQUESTED~ will be added and if you added a message to your request, a small box at the right top will show your dedication/message when the song is playing.
Please do keep in mind that messages and requests are being moderated.

iLC is here thanks to your input and support, so keep giving us feedback ;)
原帖由 鍾嘉欣迷520 於 2012-3-10 14:41 發表
i want to ask a question~can i send the massage to the email with the card i made for her?! that means can i send the picture and massage?!::On50: ::On50:
Yes that is allowed, please make sure you also provide the needed information in your email.
Server Admin of Linda Cottage and Linda Garden.
Cottage: http://forum.lindachung.hk
Garden: http://forum.linda-chung.net
- - - - - - - - - -
iLC Radio: http://www.ilcradio.net


alright i got it. will email you guys soon


I want to know where can we listen ?! Last year, I know the website but I didn't know how to listen !!!


回復 10# thepretorian 的帖子

Oh okay. Thanks for your information.
One of the most fortunate things that ever happened to me is to be able to support you!!!


原帖由 白壤櫻花 於 2012-3-10 15:01 發表
I want to know where can we listen ?! Last year, I know the website but I didn't know how to listen !!!
Please check post #10 in this thread: http://forum.linda-chung.net/vie ... omuid=978#pid260518
Server Admin of Linda Cottage and Linda Garden.
Cottage: http://forum.lindachung.hk
Garden: http://forum.linda-chung.net
- - - - - - - - - -
iLC Radio: http://www.ilcradio.net


i would wish linda a hapi b-day on the 9th april


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